Saturday 2 May 2015

UP CM: Development of Labour sector is foundation of Growth

मुख्यमंत्री श्री अखिलेश यादव ने कहा है कि श्रमिक वर्ग ही विकास की बुनियाद है। बड़ी-बड़ी इमारतों, सड़क, पुल व कारखानों सहित तमाम विकास परियोजनाएं मजदूरों की मेहनत और पसीने की देन हंै। राज्य की समाजवादी सरकार श्रमिकों के कल्याण के लिए गम्भीर है और इस मकसद से अनेक योजनाएं संचालित कर रही है।
मुख्यमंत्री आज अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय मजदूर दिवस के अवसर पर यहां अपने सरकारी आवास पर आयोजित एक कार्यक्रम में अपने विचार व्यक्त कर रहे थे। इस अवसर पर उन्होंने पंजीकृत निर्माण श्रमिकों के लिए मध्यान्ह् भोजन सहायता योजना का शुभारम्भ किया, जिसके तहत मजदूरों को दोपहर का सस्ता भोजन उपलब्ध कराया जाएगा। मध्यान्ह् भोजन सहायता योजना मजदूरों को सस्ता भोजन उपलब्ध कराने की एक अनूठी योजना है। मुख्यमंत्री ने श्रमिकों के बच्चों के लिए आवासीय विद्यालय योजना का भी शुभारम्भ किया।
श्री यादव ने उत्तर प्रदेश भवन एवं अन्य सन्निर्माण कर्मकार कल्याण बोर्ड के कार्यालय भवन का शिलान्यास तथा श्रम विभाग के कार्याें की जानकारी देने वाली एक पुस्तिका का विमोचन भी किया। उन्होंने सेवायोजन विभाग के वेबपोर्टल ेमूंलवरंदण्वतह का शुभारम्भ भी किया। श्री यादव ने श्रम विभाग की विभिन्न योजनाओं के लाभार्थियों को सहायता राशि भी प्रदान की। मुख्यमंत्री ने इस अवसर पर जनपद देवरिया के विभिन्न विकास कार्यों का शिलान्यास एवं लोकार्पण भी किया।
मुख्यमंत्री ने अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय मजदूर दिवस की बधाई देते हुए कहा कि राज्य सरकार मजदूरों एवं उनके परिवारों की सुविधा के लिए तमाम कार्य कर रही है, जिनमें साइकिल सहायता योजना, पेंशन योजना, गम्भीर बीमारी सहायता योजना, मेधावी छात्र पुरस्कार योजना, बालिका मदद योजना आदि शामिल हैं। आवासीय विद्यालय योजना के तहत मजदूरों के बच्चों के लिए बड़े पैमाने पर स्कूल भवन स्थापित किए जाएंगे और इनमें हाॅस्टल की सुविधा भी उपलब्ध कराई जाएगी। उन्होंने कहा कि श्रमिक वर्ग आलीशान इमारतों से लेकर अन्य विशाल परियोजनाओं को पूरा करते हैं, लेकिन इनके और इनके परिवार के हालात में कोई बदलाव नहीं आता। उन्होंने भरोसा दिलाया कि समाजवादी सरकार इस वर्ग के उत्थान के लिए सभी जरूरी कदम उठाएगी।
मुख्यमंत्री ने श्रम मंत्री श्री शाहिद मंजूर के नेतृत्व में विभाग द्वारा किए जा रहे कार्यों की सराहना करते हुए कहा कि आने वाले समय में श्रमिकों को लाभ पहुंचाने के लिए एक विशाल कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया जाए, जिससे लोगों को पता चले कि समाजवादी सरकार में श्रम विभाग मेहनतकश लोगों के लिए कितने अधिक कार्य कर रहा है। मजदूरों के लिए साइकिल वितरण योजना का खासतौर पर उल्लेख करते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि वर्तमान सरकार के कार्यकाल में श्रमिकों को सबसे अधिक संख्या में साइकिलें उपलब्ध कराई गई हैं। उन्होंने श्रम विभाग के कर्मियों की मांगों के सम्बन्ध में सहानुभूतिपूर्वक विचार करने का आश्वासन भी दिया।
प्रदेश सरकार की तमाम विकास एवं जनकल्याणकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी जन-जन तक पहुंचाए जाने पर बल देते हुए श्री यादव ने कहा कि इससे ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगों को इनका लाभ उपलब्ध कराया जा सकता है। इस सन्दर्भ में अपनी पिछली बांदा यात्रा का उल्लेख करते हुए मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि इस मौके पर उन्होंने मृतक किसानों के परिजनों को कृषक दुर्घटना बीमा योजना तथा खलिहान दुर्घटना बीमा योजना के तहत सहायता राशि के चेक प्रदान किए, तो ज्यादातर लोगों को इन योजनाओं की जानकारी नहीं थी। उन्होंने कहा कि समाजवादी सरकार दलगत भावना से ऊपर उठकर बगैर किसी भेदभाव के विकास करा रही है। प्रत्येक दल के विधायक जनेश्वर मिश्र ग्र्राम योजना में अपने क्षेत्र के गांव को शामिल करने का अनुरोध कर रहे हैं। लोहिया ग्रामीण आवास योजना के अन्तर्गत लाभार्थी को एकमुश्त 3 लाख 5 हजार रुपए उपलब्ध कराए जा रहे हैं, ताकि एक बार में सम्पूर्ण आवास का निर्माण सम्पन्न हो सके। इतनी अधिक धनराशि देश की कोई अन्य सरकार ग्रामीण आवासहीन लोगों को उपलब्ध नहीं करा रही है।
मुख्यमंत्री ने प्रख्यात समाजवादी चिन्तक स्व0 मधु लिमये की जयन्ती पर उन्हें अपनी भावभीनी श्रद्धांजलि देते हुए कहा कि लिमये जी ने हमेशा समाजवादी विचारधारा को मजबूत बनाने का काम किया। इस अवसर पर उन्होंने महाराष्ट्र दिवस पर राज्यपाल श्री राम नाईक एवं गुजरात दिवस पर प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी को बधाई भी दी।
कार्यक्रम में अपने विचार व्यक्त करते हुए विधान सभा अध्यक्ष श्री माता प्रसाद पाण्डेय ने कहा कि प्रदेश में श्रमिक वर्ग का दायरा बढ़ रहा है। औद्योगिक गतिविधियों से जुड़े श्रमिकों के साथ-साथ कृषि क्षेत्र के श्रमिकों को भी श्रम विभाग द्वारा लाभान्वित किया जाना चाहिए। उन्होंने योजनाओं की जानकारी निचले स्तर तक पहुंचाए जाने पर बल दिया।
लोक निर्माण मंत्री श्री शिवपाल सिंह यादव ने अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय मजदूर दिवस के ऐतिहासिक महत्व पर प्रकाश डालते हुए कहा कि समाजवादी विचारधारा ने हमेशा मजदूरों और किसानों को महत्व दिया है। इन वर्गों को सुविधाएं देने से ही देश वास्तविक रूप से तरक्की करेगा। उन्होंने कहा कि पूरी दुनिया में श्रमिकों की बदौलत विकास हुआ है।
इससे पूर्व, श्रम एवं सेवायोजन मंत्री श्री शाहिद मंजूर ने अपने स्वागत सम्बोधन में कहा कि श्रम विभाग द्वारा संचालित योजनाओं का सीधा लाभ मजदूरों को मिल रहा है। श्रमिकों के बच्चों को अच्छी शिक्षा देने के लिए आवासीय विद्यालय योजना के पहले चरण में 12 जिलों-कन्नौज, कानपुर, इटावा, फिरोजाबाद, आगरा, गाजियाबाद, मेरठ, मुरादाबाद, ललितपुर, भदोही, आजमगढ़ तथा बहराइच में आवासीय विद्यालय प्रारम्भ किए जाएंगे। इन 12 जनपदों में 24 विद्यालय निर्मित किए जाएंगे।
इस अवसर पर राजनैतिक पेंशन मंत्री श्री राजेन्द्र चैधरी, स्टाम्प तथा न्यायालय शुल्क पंजीयन मंत्री श्री राजा महेन्द्र अरिदमन सिंह सहित राज्य सरकार के अन्य मंत्रिगण, विधायक श्री अखिलेश प्रताप सिंह एवं वरिष्ठ अधिकारीगण मौजूद थे। धन्यवाद ज्ञापन प्रमुख सचिव श्रम श्री अरुण कुमार सिन्हा ने किया।
मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा श्रम विभाग की विभिन्न योजनाओं के लाभार्थियों को सहायता राशि उपलब्ध कराई गई। इनमें श्री सन्तोष प्रजापति (सौर ऊर्जा सहायता योजना), श्री कमलेश कुमार (साइकिल सहायता योजना), श्री शिव कुमार (दुर्घटना सहायता योजना-धनराशि 5 लाख रुपए), श्रीमती कुतुबुन्निसा (मृत्यु एवं अन्त्येष्टि सहायता योजना), श्री जान मोहम्मद (आवास सहायता योजना-धनराशि 50 हजार रुपए), श्री दिनेश कुमार (बालिका मदद योजना-20 हजार रुपए की एफ0डी0 18 वर्ष के लिए), कुमारी पारुल (मेधावी छात्र पुरस्कार योजना), श्री नरेन्द्र कुमार गौतम (शिशु हित लाभ योजना-धनराशि 15 हजार रुपए), श्री शेरूद्दीन (अक्षमता पेंशन योजना-एक हजार रुपए प्रतिमाह की दर से 6 हजार रुपए की पेंशन राशि) तथा श्रीमती गया (पुत्री विवाह योजना-धनराशि 40 हजार रुपए) शामिल हैं।
मध्याह्न भोजन सहायता योजना का उद्देश्य प्रत्येक पंजीकृत पात्र निर्माण श्रमिक को पौष्टिक मध्याह्न भोजन उपलब्ध कराना है। योजना के तहत लाभार्थी को मात्र 10 रुपए का भुगतान करने पर मध्याह्न भोजन उपलब्ध कराया जाएगा। आवासीय विद्यालय योजना का मकसद पंजीकृत निर्माण श्रमिकों के 6 से 14 साल के बालक एवं बालिकाओं को आवासीय विद्यालय की सुविधा उपलब्ध कराना है। उत्तर प्रदेश भवन एवं अन्य सन्निर्माण कर्मकार कल्याण बोर्ड का कार्यालय भवन यहां तालकटोरा में श्रम विभाग की जमीन पर बनाया जाएगा। इस भवन की लागत लगभग 38 करोड़ रुपए होगी।
मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा जनपद देवरिया के लिए लगभग 4,990 लाख रुपए की धनराशि के विकास कार्यों का लोकार्पण एवं शिलान्यास किया गया है। इसमें सिमरा मदनपुर मार्ग पर राप्ती नदी पर पुल तथा निरीक्षण भवन, रूद्रपुर के लोकार्पण के साथ-साथ कप्तानगंज-हाटा-गौरी बाजार-रूद्रपुर मार्ग के कुछ भाग एवं रूद्रपुर कस्बे के आदर्श चैराहे से निबही बोहावर तक के मार्ग के चैड़ीकरण कार्य का शिलान्यास शामिल है। इसके साथ ही, दुग्धेश्वरनाथ मंदिर परिसर में सुविधाओं के विकास कार्य का भी शिलान्यास सम्पन्न हुआ।
Samajwadi Party's photo.
Samajwadi Party's photo.
Samajwadi Party's photo.
Bhumi Adhikar Andolan (Movement for Land Rights)  —

Bhumi Adhikar Andolan (Movement for Land Rights) 

Bhumi Adhikar Andolan to hold mass rally against Land Ordinance on 5thMay, 2015 at Sansad Marg 

2nd May, 2015, New Delhi: The collective of people’s movements and organizations who organized the mass rally on 24th February at Parliament Street against the Land Acquisition Ordinance of the NDA government have emerged as the national platform in the name of “Bhumi Adhikar Andolan” working all over the country to advance the struggle of the farmers, workers and the larger public against the draconian Land Acquisition Ordinance 2015.
In a press conference held on 2nd of May at IWPC Delhi, representatives of people’s movements, farmer organizations, worker’s unions and people’s organisations, among others, associated with the Bhumi Adhkar Andolan appealed to all the pro-people, progressive and secular forces to join hands for “Bhumi Adhikar Sangharsh Rally” on 5th May at Parliament street to protest against the anti-people move of the NDA Government of bringing ordinances on the sensitive issue of land without any consultation or regard to farmers-workers, agriculture and nature of this country. The press conference was addressed by Hannan Mollah from the All India Kisan Sabha (36 Canning Lane), Atul Anjan from the All India Kisan Sabha (Ajoy Bhawan), Satyavan from the All India Krishak Khet Mazdoor Union, Roma from the All India Union for Forest Working People and Bhupinder Singh Rawat from NAPM.
Thousands of representatives from various farmer organizations, trade unions, women organizations, youth organizations, including urban poor, fish workers and tribals will be a part of the rally to be held on 5th of May, 10 am at Sansad Marg, Delhi. The Modi Sarkar, which is favoring the interests of the corporates at the cost of livelihood of thousands and impacting the most marginalized section severely, is leaving no stone unturned to bring the land ordinance. Land acquisition is being carried out at full speed in various parts of the country and in many places the disagreement expressed by people is being brutally suppressed. The tax exemptions offered to corporates in the 2015-16 budget, the land ordinance and a series of amendments which are expected in other crucial acts like those relating to forests and coasts are bound to strike the lives and livelihoods of lakhs of people in this country and leave them with no choice but to become migrants laborers and lead a life of extreme poverty, vulnerability and uncertainty.
National Alliance for People’s Movements (NAPM), All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP), All India Kisan Sabha (Ajay Bhawan), All India Kisan Sabha (Cunning Lane), Akhil Bhartiya Krishak Khet Mazdoor Sangathan, Lok Sangharsh Morcha, Yuva Kranti, Jan Sangharsh Samanvaya Samiti, Chhatisgarh Bachao Aandolan, Kisan Sangharsh Samiti, Sanyukt Kisan Sangharsh Samilti, INSAF, Delhi Solidarity Group, Kisan Manch, Bhartiya Kisan Union
Contact: 9958797409, 9810423296, 9818905316, 9911955109
Jamia Students’ forum extend support to the victims of earthquake in Nepal. —

Jamia Students’ forum extend support to the victims of earthquake in Nepal.

 Media Invites
From: MD KHALID HASAN <> Sat, 2 May ’15 11:26p
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
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Dear Sir/Madam
Tomorrow on May 03,2015, at 10:00 AM Jamia Students’  forum  is going to release the Monterey Relief , Packaged Foods , Medicine , Clothes etc  to extend support to the victims of earthquake in Nepal.
Students of Jamia Millia Islamia organised a 4 day camp from 28/4/2015 to 1/5/2015 and collected more than Rs  1 Lakh in cash and huge amount of Packaged Foods , Medicine , Clothes etc
Dean Students'; welfare  Prof. Tasneem Meenai will dispatch the shipment from Jamia Millia Islamia University,New Delhi.
We request you to kindly depute the Reporter to cover the event.In case of any problem while entry to the university campus you may contact me on 081030238286
Exact Location of the event: Central Canteen,Jamia Millia Islamia,New Delhi-110025
Md. Khalid Hasan
Jamia Students';s Forum
Naval Officers protect us from the World – who is to protect their homes. —

Naval Officers protect us from the World – who is to protect their homes.

They protect us from the World – who is to protect their homes.
The plight of Naval officers in NOFRA, Mumbai
The Defense Personnel, offering us safety against the entire world, are unsafe in their own homes. This is the question I wish to raise in the spate of recent heightened incidences of thefts in NOFRA (Naval Officers Residential Area), Colaba , South Mumbai.
Imagine the life of a Naval Officer who goes out into the high seas to protect Indian boarders, Indian citizens, Indian coastline, Indian fishermen, and safeguards Indian merchant vessels against pirates, only to return home and find that his home, which by definition should be one of the safest naval establishments, has been robbed. Does it not break his spirit to see his prized possessions stolen from his house behind his back?
This is the present day condition of Navy Nagar or precisely NOFRA in the posh surroundings of Colaba in South Mumbai.
Past few days have seen atleast 3 high profile thefts with homes of Senior NAVY Officials getting broken into and everything stolen from Gold jewelry to electronics. What is surprising and apathetic is the slow and tardy response of Naval Police and the Civil police. Question is how a thief can enter the secured naval zone where even the families of defense personnel cannot enter without identification checks. So is this happening with the connivance of the police or authorities.
The most recent incidence is the theft at Commander Sumeet Kumar Gupta’s residence on 1st May 2015. The officer’s house was broken into during broad daylight and thieves escaped with jewelry and goods worth 4-5 lacs.
Some other officers have started questioning, if thieves can break into our homes and rob electronic items, what prevents them from harming our families, wives and children in our absence. If someone can get pass the security with a stolen television set, he can get away with an abducted child also. If the police cannot solve these crimes, what security do we have against terrorist attacks?
Hear it from the horse’s mouth
Cdr S K Gupta – 09619643143
Case investigating officer – Mumbai police – Sub Inspector “Dhage” – 08108484000
FIR No – CR 75/15
Siddharth Gupta
— May 2, 2015

Saturday 02 May 2015
जाने-माने टीवी पत्रकार राहुल महाजन बने प्रसार भारती के एडिटोरियल कंसल्टेंट
करीब दो दशक से सक्रिय पत्रकारिता कर रहे राहुल महाजन अब अपनी नई पारी प्रसार भारती के साथ शुरू कर रहे हैं…

ब्रॉडकास्‍टर्स ने कुछ इस तरह किया BARC रेटिंग का स्‍वागत…
कई वर्षों से नए TV ratings system का इंतजार कर रही इंडस्‍ट्री के लिए Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) ने हाल ही पहले हफ्ते के डाटा दर्शाए थे…

धार्मिक भावनाएं आहत करने के आरोप में इस संपादक पर दर्ज हुआ केस
जुबली हिल्‍स पुलिस ने दैनिक समाचार पत्र ‘Andhra Prabha’ के संपादक समेत दो लोगों के खिलाफ एक आपराधिक मामला दर्ज किया है…

मास मीडिया युवाओं के नैतिक पतन के लिए है जिम्‍मेदार: मद्रास हाईकोर्ट
मद्रास हाईकोर्ट की एक बेंच ने मास मीडिया, खासतौर पर ऐसी फिल्‍मों को जिनमें काफी विकृति दिखाई जाती है, को युवाओं के नैतिक पतन के लिए जिम्‍मेदार ठहराया है…

पहली बार दृष्टिहीन छात्र बना न्यूज एंकर, किया लाइव बुलेटिन
हौसला हो बुलंद, तो नामुमकिन कुछ भी नहीं होता। इसी कहावत को सच कर दिखाया एक ऐसे छात्र ने जो दृष्टिहीन है….

आईबीएन खबर के नए कलेवर में अब ये है खास…
हिंदी न्‍यूज वेबसाइट आईबीएन खबर ने अपने डिजाइन और कलेवर में बदलाव किया है…

भाजपा सांसद ने टीवी पर बाबाओं के कार्यक्रम दिखाए जाने पर उठाए सवाल
लोकसभा में भाजपा सांसद मानसिंह राम पटेल ने टेलिविजन पर बाबाओं को दिखाने वाले कार्यक्रमों की प्रासंगिकता पर सवाल उठाए हैं…

— May 2, 2015

5-magnitude aftershock hits Nepal

A magnitude 5.0 aftershock struck central Nepal on Saturday. The fresh tremor hit at 05:35 GMT 93 km northwest of Kathmandu. The epicenter of the aftershock was located at a shallow depth of 10 km. There were no immediate reports of casualties, but thousands were still missing over the weekend, after the devastating 7.8 quake that happened less than one week ago, killing more than 6,000 people.

 First Family Entertainer Coming Your Way !
The makers of Vicky Donor are back with 2015’s first family entertainer, Piku starring stalwarts Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone and Irrfan ! Quirky and funny with oodles of situational humor, the film highlights the eccentricities within every Indian family, told in signature Shoojit Sircar style.
If the popularity of the trailer on the social media platform is anything to go by, Piku is amongst the most anticipated films this year. While this film about a crazy father-daughter duo is packaged with ingredients that make for a perfect family comedy, director Shoojit Sircar seems to be bringing back the slice-of-life-cinema which was made popular by filmmakers like Hrishikesh Mukherjee.
A huge admirer of Mukherjee’s work, Shoojit explores a relatable story and  human relationships reminiscent of Hrishikesh Mukherjee films like “Gol Maal”, “Mili”, “Chupke Chupke”, “Guddi” promising clean entertainment to the audiences after a long time.
Talking about the film  Shoojit says, “Piku has got a universal connect because every Indian family or for that matter every family is quirky and crazy in it’s own this case, Baba and Piku make for one of the craziest families around. All I have done is take the camera and place it between them as they go about living their life replete with events and situations that are bizzare, crazy and yet very familiar to you and me. Hrishikesh Da told the simplest stories in the most unusual and entertaining fashion which is why audiences still swear by them. We hope to warm your heart and put a smile on your face through Piku!”

Kareena Kapoor Khan offered a whopping sum to interact with her fans in UAE !
Begum of Bollywood, Kareena Kapoor Khan, continues to remain amongst the most-sought after names in the brand world, proof of which is the fact that the actress was offered a whopping 7 crores to travel to Dubai,Qatar ,Abu Dhabi ,Bahrain and Oman to interact with her fans for a brand commitment.
Sources reveal that the actress will be doing a 7-city UAE tour where she will meet her fans, for which she was offered a hefty sum by a jewelry brand on popular demand.
While the star has already visited Dubai,Qatar and Abu Dhabi where over 40,000 men showed up to catch a glimpse of their favorite actress ,she will soon travel to Bahrain and Oman –
Confirming the news said Kareena’s spokesperson, “Yes, Kareena is traveling around the UAE to meet her fans.”
Nepal Earthquake —

Nepal Earthquake


 IAF’s MI-17 V5 arrives at Langtang with relief material.
Embedded image permalink
Baby boy Sonit Awal was rescued 22 hours after quake is commendable job. Indian army did stupendous task with its image touching class of international repute in distribution of foods for aid to far flung areas the Army Aviation’s ALH Dhruv helicopter pressed into action Gorkha,  IAF’s MI-17 V5 arrives at Langtang with relief material.
“The earthquake has caused unimaginable destruction,” said Rownak Khan, UNICEF Deputy Representative in Nepal. “Hospitals are overflowing, water is scarce, bodies are still buried under the rubble and people are still sleeping in the open. This is a perfect breeding ground for diseases.”
The April 25 earthquake flattened more than 130,000 homes and left 3 million people in need of food assistance. Some 24,000 people are currently staying in 13 camps in Kathmandu. In a country where just over 40 per cent of children are stunted, fears for children’s nutrition are rising.  At least 15,000 children with severe acute malnutrition require therapeutic feeding. There is also an urgent need for children in the 12 most affected districts to get back to their normal routine by setting up child-friendly spaces, opening schools and providing access to basic services, such as health and water.
As soon as the earthquake struck one week ago, UNICEF used its pre-positioned relief supplies to mount an emergency response and was able to provide aid, including tents to serve as emergency clinics at hospitals, tarpaulin for shelter, water trucking services in informal camps, water purification tablets and hygiene kits.
UNICEF is broadening its response so that children in the most severely affected communities, including those in hard-to-reach areas beyond Kathmandu, are provided with lifesaving services and supplies.
Total loss of life may ouch nearly 20K as the list of people untraceable and those critical injured  likely to come after 60 days of this natural calamity.EU Envoy says 1,000 Europeans still missing.  But as per official statistics, “The death toll has reached 6,624,” said the home ministry’s national disaster management division. A further 14,025 people were injured in the quake, it added.
A fresh 4.5-magnitude aftershock Saturday morning triggered panic among the people, who scrambled for open spaces.
The 7.9-magnitude quake last week left a trail of devastation and suffering, with people spending the cold night in the open because of fears of fresh quake.
Nepal’s remote mountainous areas have suffered “almost total devastation” from the powerful quake, aid agencies have warned, even as relief slowly began to reach far-flung regions amid fresh aftershocks that kept people on edge.
International humanitarian bodies have called for greater urgency in relief efforts.
“One of our teams that returned from Chautara in Sindupalchowk district reported that 90 percent of the homes are destroyed. The hospital has collapsed, and people are digging through the rubble with their hands in the hope that they might find family members who are still alive,” said Jagan Chapagain, Director of Asia Pacific with the IFRC.
“We can expect the situation to be the same if not worse in many other places where aid has not yet been delivered,” Chapagain said.
There are estimates that up to 40,000 homes in Sindupalchowk alone have been destroyed, the International Federation of Red Cross said in a statement.
Also, over 1,000 EU citizens are still unaccounted for in Himalayan Nepal, diplomats said.
The Europeans had mostly been climbing in the avalanche-hit Mt Everest region and trekking in the remote Langtang range near the epicentre of the quake.
Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval reached Kathmandu on Friday to oversee the relief and rescue operations launched under ‘Operation Maitri’ to aid Nepal.
The National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and the Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar called on Nepalese Prime Minister Sushil Koirala today in Kathmandu.
They took stock of the relief and rescue operations and assured the Nepalese leadership of assisting it with total dedication and commitment. Ajit Doval said India stands steadfastly with Nepal, and would give them all the help possible.They visited the earthquake affected areas and also conducted an aerial survey.
Ajit Doval praised the rescue operations and directed all the Indian agencies to carry the relief efforts in full swing in the quake ravaged nation.Ajit Doval has said that Indian agencies are working to restore communication lines in Kathmandu and far flung areas in Nepal.
Meanwhile, the death has crossed over 6000 in Nepal with rescuers still on war footing to evacuate trapped people.
Personnel of the Indian Army, NDRF and the Indian Air Force are reaching out to affected people in far flung areas.
No Land Acquisition, We demand Land Rights!!         —

No Land Acquisition, We demand Land Rights!!        

  Take back Land Ordinance Now!!

Bhumi Adhikar Sangharsh Rally

10 am, 5th May, Sansad Marg, New Delhi

You all would be aware that the Modi-led central government passed the new land acquisition ordinance again on the 3rd April. With the ordinance, the central government has again proved that it is not bothered about the country or its people. It is willing to go to any length to sell the land, resources and lives of people to national or multinational companies. The government is not worried about the farmer suicides, un-seasonal rain and damage of lakhs of hectares of crops due to hailstorm. They are only worried about improving its image on the land bill controversy through ‘perception-cleaning campaigns’. Friends, the dialogues and agreement with stakeholder groups claimed by the government are as much a lie as the benefits claimed in the ordinance.
The protests against taking away of land, the loot of identities of farmers and workers and for implementing constitutional provisions have intensified across the country. The call for nationwide protests taken at the rally on 24th Feb by thousands of people has reached all villages, district, and states in the country.  At the convention held on 2nd April, more than 300 representatives of farmers unions, trade unions, urban poor, fish workers, women’s rights organisations, youth organisations and pro-poor intellectuals got together to form strategies for the intensification of the struggle  ahead under the banner of ‘Bhumi Adhikar Andolan’.
The time has come once again that we show our collective strengths to this anti-farmer-worker government.This is an appeal to all people working for a free and just society, with progressive and secular individuals and groups, to assemble in large numbers on 5th May at 10 am on Parliament Street, Delhi and participate in the massive rally.  
Medha Patkar, Hannan Mollah, Atul Anjaan, Dr. Sunilam, Ashok Chowdhury, Prafulla Samantra, Rakesh Rafique, Dayamani Barla, Ulka Mahajan, Darshan Pal Singh, Manjit Singh, Roma, Harpal Singh Rana, Anil Chaudhary, Vinod Singh, Rajnish Gambhir, Akshay, Virenra Vidrohi, Kailash Meena, Mahavir Guliya, Amulya Nayak, Alok Shukla, Trilochan Punji, Rajim Ketwas, Umesh Tiwari, Ishwar Chandra Tripathi, M.S. Selvaraj, M. Ilango, Ramkrishna Raju, Hansraj Ghewra, Bhupendra Singh Rawat, Sagar Rabari, Jasbir Singh, Vijoo Krishnan, Madhuresh Kumar, Shweta Tripathi, Satyam Shrivastava, Ragiv Aseem, Sanjeev Kumar, Pratap Chaudhary and others 
Contacts: 9958797409981042329698189053169911955109
Please find attached the English and Hindi Parch
Gadkari holds meetings with CMs of NE on projects of Rs 15,000 cr —

Gadkari holds meetings with CMs of NE on projects of Rs 15,000 cr

May 2,
Union Road Transport and Highway Minister Nitin Gadkari is holding a review meeting with all Chief Ministers of North East including Sikkim in Guwahati. The meeting is expected to discuss on various roads and highway projects of the region. PWD Ministers and Chief Secretaries of the region have also taken part in the meeting.
>Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari said the government will award road projects worth Rs 15,000 crore in the region by December.
“Of the total Rs 15,000 crore road projects envisaged for the North-East, Rs 6,000 crore worth highways will be developed in Arunachal Pradesh, Rs 2,000 crore projects each in Nagaland and Meghalaya and the remaining ones in other parts of the region,” Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari said in Shillong on Friday.
The Minister, who was in Shillong, to dedicate 4-laning of Shillong bypass and Jorabat-Barapani to the nation, said the central government will encourage the local contractors in the region to take up civil works for road projects with the aim of providing employment to the local population.
The Centre has also asked the north-eastern states — Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh — to acquire land and obtain the necessary regulatory clearances after which the Ministry of Road Transport and the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) will build those roads.
“These measures will ease the bottlenecks in establishing the road projects,” he said.
He added that the National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (NHIDCL) will provide 10 percent machinery and 10 percent resource mobilisation to the local contractors in advance to commence work on the highways.
Gadkari said that 18 new jetties will come up on the Brahmaputra river.
The 48.76 kms long road — connecting Umiam in Ri-Bhoi district and Mawryngkneng in East Khasi Hills District — was developed to decongest Shillong from trucks and heavy vehicles coming from or moving towards north-eastern part of Assam and other states like Mizoram and Tripura.
The project, developed at an estimated cost of Rs 226 crore, was completed in two years after work began in 2011.
The four-laning of Jorabat-Barapnai has been done to improve road connectivity between Guwahati and Shillong. The project length is 61.80 kms which includes the Umsning Bypass (5.82 kms).
The work has been substantially completed except in the Umsning Bypass stretch where pre-construction activities such as survey and site layout work is in progress.
Post the development of the road, travel time from Guwahati to Barapani will reduce to one-and-a-half hour as compared to the earlier duration of three hours.
The construction of the section has improved transport infrastructure in the North-East, particularly in Barak Valley region in Assam and in the states of Mizoram, Tripura, Manipur and Meghalaya.
At present, 12,000 vehicles ply on this road per day.
The Union Minister said that the Centre has given much importance in the development of water transport system in the country. Mr. Gadkari said that development of a country or state hugely depends on communication network. The Union minister during his 4-day trip to North East, went to Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya apart from Assam to take part in official programs.
Long live eight-hour day movement, Long live May Day —

Long live eight-hour day movement, Long live May Day

From: gopal krishna <> Fri, 1 May ’15 7:46p
To: toxicswatchalliance <>
Show full Headers
Press Release
Long live eight-hour day movement, Long live May Day
Government must ratify the 62 Conventions of ILO and Asbestos
Resolution of 2006
India must support inclusion of white chrysotile asbestos in the UN
Hazardous Substances list under Rotterdam Convention
Workers’ health indicates what’s going to happen to community and
environment later
May 1, 2015: International Workers’ Day is a celebration of the
working classes on 1st May every year to commemorate the struggle for
eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for
rest. If government is indeed serious in its celebrations of the day,
it should ensure eight hour working hour across private and public
sector in the country. Government must ratify the 62 Conventions of
International Labour Organisation (ILO) which it has not ratified.
Besides this, Government of India must act to implement the ILO
resolution of 1st June, 2006 seeking elimination of asbestos of all
kinds adopted by the 95th Session of the International Labour
Conference. The resolution reads:
The General Conference of the International Labour Organization,
•   Considering that all forms of asbestos, including chrysotile, are
classified as known human carcinogens by the International Agency for
Research on Cancer, a classification restated by the International
Programme on Chemical Safety (a joint Programme of the International
Labour Organization, the World Health Organization and the United
Nations Environment Programme),
•   Alarmed that an estimated 100,000 workers die every year from
diseases caused by exposure to asbestos,
•   Deeply concerned that workers continue to face serious risks from
asbestos exposure, particularly in asbestos removal, demolition,
building maintenance, ship-breaking and waste handling activities,
•   Noting that it has taken three decades of efforts and the emergence
of suitable alternatives for a comprehensive ban on the manufacturing
and use of asbestos and asbestos-containing products to be adopted in
a number of countries,
•   Further noting that the objective of the Promotional Framework for
Occupational Safety and Health Convention 2006 is to prevent
occupational injuries, diseases and deaths,
1. Resolves that:
(a) the elimination of the future use of asbestos and the
identification and proper management of asbestos currently in place
are the most effective means to protect workers from asbestos exposure
and to prevent future asbestos-related diseases and deaths; and
(b) the Asbestos Convention, 1986 (No. 162), should not be used to
provide a justification for, or endorsement of, the continued use of
2. Requests the Governing Body to direct the International Labour Office to:
(a) continue to encourage member States to ratify and give effect to
the provisions of the Asbestos Convention, 1986 (No. 162), and the
Occupational Cancer Convention, 1974 (No. 139);
(b) promote the elimination of future use of all forms of asbestos and
asbestos containing materials in all member States;
(c) promote the identification and proper management of all forms of
asbestos currently in place;
(d) encourage and assist member States to include measures in their
national programmes on occupational safety and health to protect
workers from exposure to asbestos; and
(e) transmit this resolution to all member States.
This resolution has been endorsed by the Supreme Court of India in its
order dated January 21, 2011 and National Human Rights Commission is
seeking its implementation from all the states and concerned central
ministries. It is high time the process is expedited. It is about time
Government supported inclusion of white chrysotile asbestos in the UN
list of hazardous substances under Rotterdam Convention to be
consistent with India’s own domestic law like Factories Act, 1948 and
the inventory of hazardous chemicals import in India prepared Central
Pollution Control Board at the upcoming Seventh Conference of Parties
of the Convention in Geneva, Switzerland from 04 May to 15 May 2015.
Workers and their families who get exposed die a very painful death
from the incurable asbestos related diseases.
In contempt of Supreme Court’s judgment dated January 27, 1995, the
Ministry of Environment of Forests continues to grant environmental
clearance to asbestos based companies despite the fresh resolution of
ILO seeking elimination of asbestos which has been endorsed by the
Court. This has been reiterated by the Court in its judgment dated
January 21, 2011. Thus, the ministry emerges as a anti-worker entity.
Supreme Court has examined the carcinogenicity of “ASBESTOS
(mesothelioma and lung cancer)” in the Consumer Education & Research
Centre  Vs Union Of India & Others on 27 January, 1995 and observed
that “In man the link of lung cancer with asbestos has been mainly
epidemiological. while asbestosis cannot occur without exposure to
asbestos mad consequently every case of asbestosis must be linked with
such exposure, with pulmonary cancer the situation is quite different.
It is a rather common disease in the general population. The link with
exposure to asbestos is based on finding whether in those exposed to
asbestos is based on finding whether in those exposed to asbestos bang
cancer occurs more frequently than in those unexposed, i.e. whether in
those exposed there is an excess incidence of lung cancers.”(1995 AIR
922, 1995 SCC (3) 42)
Apart from the above resolution, Government of India must ratify these
62 conventions:
C087 – Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise
Convention, 1948
C098 – Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)
C138 – Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138)
C182 – Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182)
C129 – Labour Inspection (Agriculture) Convention, 1969 (No. 129)
C077 – Medical Examination of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1946 (No. 77)
C078 – Medical Examination of Young Persons (Non-Industrial
Occupations) Convention, 1946
C094 – Labour Clauses (Public Contracts) Convention, 1949 (No. 94)
C095 – Protection of Wages Convention, 1949 (No. 95)
C097 – Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949 (No. 97)
C102 – Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102)
C106 – Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1957 (No. 106)
C110 – Plantations Convention, 1958 (No. 110)
C120 – Hygiene (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1964 (No. 120)
C121 – Employment Injury Benefits Convention, 1964 [Schedule I amended
in 1980] (No. 121)
C124 – Medical Examination of Young Persons (Underground Work) Convention, 1965
C128 – Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors’ Benefits Convention, 1967 (No. 128)
C130 – Medical Care and Sickness Benefits Convention, 1969 (No. 130)
C131 – Minimum Wage Fixing Convention, 1970 (No. 131)
C135 – Workers’ Representatives Convention, 1971 (No. 135)
C139 – Occupational Cancer Convention, 1974 (No. 139)
C140 – Paid Educational Leave Convention, 1974 (No. 140)
C143 – Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 (No. 143)
C145 – Continuity of Employment (Seafarers) Convention, 1976 (No. 145)
C146 – Seafarers’ Annual Leave with Pay Convention, 1976 (No. 146)
C148 – Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration)
Convention, 1977 (No. 148)
C149 – Nursing Personnel Convention, 1977 (No. 149)
C150 – Labour Administration Convention, 1978 (No. 150)
C151 – Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention, 1978 (No. 151)
C152 – Occupational Safety and Health (Dock Work) Convention, 1979 (No. 152)
C154 – Collective Bargaining Convention, 1981
C155 – Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981
C156 – Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981
C157 – Maintenance of Social Security Rights Convention, 1982
C159 – Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons)
Convention, 1983
C161 – Occupational Health Services Convention, 1985
C162 – Asbestos Convention, 1986
C163 – Seafarers’ Welfare Convention, 1987
C164 – Health Protection and Medical Care (Seafarers) Convention, 1987
C165 – Social Security (Seafarers) Convention (Revised), 1987
C166 – Repatriation of Seafarers Convention (Revised), 1987
C167 – Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988
C168 – Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment
Convention, 1988
C169 – Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989
C170 – Chemicals Convention, 1990
C171 – Night Work Convention, 1990
C172 – Working Conditions (Hotels and Restaurants) Convention, 1991
C173 – Protection of Workers’ Claims (Employer’s Insolvency) Convention, 1992
C175 – Part-Time Work Convention, 1994
C176 – Safety and Health in Mines Convention, 1995
C177 – Home Work Convention, 1996
C178 – Labour Inspection (Seafarers) Convention, 1996
C179 – Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers Convention, 1996
C180 – Seafarers’ Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships Convention, 1996
C181 – Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997
C183 – Maternity Protection Convention, 2000
C184 – Safety and Health in Agriculture Convention, 2001
C185 – Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003
C187 – Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health
Convention, 2006
C188 – Work in Fishing Convention, 2007
C189 – Domestic Workers Convention, 2011
MLC – Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
The industrial disaster of 1984 in Bhopal demonstrated that what
happens to workers happens to communities and environment. It is
important for the government, trade unions and all the social
organizations to recollect the fate of migrant workers in general and
workers working in hazardous industries and to intervene to save their
health and life from dirty, degrading and dangerous working and living
This day is celebrated to commemorate the Haymarket affair, which
occurred in Chicago on 4th May 1886. This day has its origins in the
labour union movement, specifically the eight-hour day movement, which
advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight
hours for rest. On May 4, the police were trying to disperse a public
assembly during a general strike for the eight-hour workday, when an
unidentified person threw a bomb at the police. The police responded
by firing on the workers, killing four demonstrators. The first May
Day celebration in India was organised in Chennai by the Labour Kisan
Party of Hindustan on 1st May 1923 wherein red flag was used for the
first time in India.
For Details: Gopal Krishna, Occupational Health India
(OHI)-ToxicsWatch, Mb: 08227816731, 09818089660,, Web:
Invitation for the International Buddha Poornima Devas on 4th May, 2015 —



Magic Picture And Entertainment cordially
Invites you to attend the cover of Press conference and
To share with you the uniqueness of their latest Hindi Film
To be addressed by:
Sunny Leone
Ram Kapoor
Devang Dholakia (Director)
Venueࠠ : Hotel Dusit Devrana, Near Umrao Farms, Samalkha, NH-8
Timeࠠࠠ : 11:30 a.m
Dateࠠ ࠠ: 4th May, 2015 (Monday)
Wesak Meditation “The Spiritual Event of the Year” —

Wesak Meditation “The Spiritual Event of the Year”

Invitation – Wesak Meditation “The Spiritual Event of the Year”
From: “Vimal.Vaastu” <> Fri, 1 May ’15 9:07p
To: You
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1 attachment
Dear Friend, Pls promote this event in best of your capacity.
The Wesak Meditation “The Spiritual Event of the Year”
The meditation is to Bless people everywhere and to convey the message of Wisdom, Light and Love.
Date- May 04, 2015
Time- 8.30 am
Location:  Hotel JW Marriott, Aerocity, Near IGI Airport, New Delhi – 110037
This meditation is open to all.
We urge you to kindly spread this awareness to all your friends and acquaintances to join us for this special Meditation.
Wesak -The full moon of Buddha: “…the greatest event upon our planet, from the stand point of the Spiritual verities, and the one which has the greatest effect upon the human race.”  
(The Master Djwhal Khul.)
* You are requested to carry your head-cover for the programme
** You are requested to wear light coloured clothes.
Event Schedule:
1.  Seating :  8:30 am
2.  Lamp Lighting  :  8:50 am
3.  Heart Sutra  :  8:55 am
4.  Great Invocation  :  9:10 am
5.  Wesak Meditation  :  9:12 am
6.  Short Talk by PHFD T. Board  :  9:45 am
7.  Hi-Tea 10:00 am onwards..
Look forward to seeing you all.
8459 435 820
on behalf of PHFD- Pranic healing Foundation of Delhi.
Petrol prices hiked by Rs 3.96 a litre, diesel Rs 2.37 —

Petrol prices hiked by Rs 3.96 a litre, diesel Rs 2.37

May 1
Petrol price has been hiked by Rs 3.96 a litre and diesel by Rs 2.37 per litre including the Value added Tax. The new rate came into effect from last midnight.
State-owned fuel retailers Indian Oil Corporation, Bharat Petroleum Corporation and Hindustan Petroleum Corp have revised petrol and diesel prices on average imported cost and rupee-dollar exchange rate in the previous fortnight and in view of sharp increase in the international prices of the two products.
Now, petrol will cost Rs 63.16 per litre in Delhi, Rs 70.44 in Kolkata, Rs 70.84 in Mumbai and Rs 66.08 in Chennai. For diesel, the consumer will have to pay Rs 49.57 for a litre in Delhi, Rs 54.17 in Kolkata, Rs 56.87 in Mumbai and Rs 52.76 in Chennai.
— May 1, 2015

Accountability Initiative invites you to a seminar:
PAISA 2015 | Studies on Tracking Social Sector Spending in India
Magnolia Hall, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, Delhi9:30 AM
Information camp organised to understand public fundflow in Himachal Pradesh.
The seminar will present four papers prepared by Accountability Initiative researchers tracking budgets and fund flows in elementary education, public health and Panchayats. The paper presentations will be followed by discussant comments.
Discussants include:
  • Amit Kaushik, Director for education and skill development, IPE Global
  • Deepak Sanan, Additional chief secretary, Government of Himachal Pradesh, and
  • Govind Rao, Member 14th Finance Commission
The seminar will close with a panel discussion on the implications of the 14th Finance Commission report on social sector spending in India and the way forward for PAISA studies.
Panelists include:
  • Sumit Bose, Member Expenditure Management Commission
  • Bibek Debroy, Member, NITI Aayog
  • Rathin Roy, Director, National Institute of Public Finance
  • Govind Rao, Member 14th Finance Commission
Since 2010, Accountability Initiative, Centre for Policy Research has been implementing a series of studies called PAISA that track plans, budgets and fund flows in elementary education. The studies include a national level survey undertaken in partnership with the ASER survey that tracks school level grants at a national scale and a detailed district level study that tracks the entire gamut of expenditure from teacher salaries to civil works and school grants in elementary education. In 2014, PAISA launched two new studies in the area of Panchayat finances and health. This seminar will present detailed findings from each of these studies. The particular focus of the discussions will be on how to relate fund tracking work with the changing architecture of fiscal federalism in India. 
Please RSVP to Papia Samajdar at

Talk by Dr Emmanuel Teitelbaum:
Economic Sources of Political Violence in Rural India
Conference Room, CPR | Followed by lunch12:30 PM
Image Source
How do insurgent groups mobilize popular support for their movements in resource-scarce environments? South Asia provides fertile ground for the investigation of this question. Over the past quarter century, the region has witnessed a number of violent political movements, including Maoist-led insurgencies in Nepal and India’s ‘Red Corridor,’ an ethno-linguistic conflict in Sri Lanka, an internationalized civil conflict in Jammu and Kashmir, and secessionist tribal movements in India’s Northeast. While the ideology and underlying goals of these movements have varied tremendously, they all began in regions lacking in natural resource wealth and depended heavily upon support from the local population in the early stages of their movements. This talk will compare the ways in which insurgent organizations mobilized civilian support across these different contexts. It will emphasize the role of economic grievances arising from rigidities in informal labour markets, and will focus primarily upon the recent experience of the Maoist movement in different locations in India’s ‘Red Corridor.’
Dr Teitelbaum is an Associate Professor in Political Science at George Washington University, Washington DC. His focus areas include comparative politics, the political economy of labour, economic development and the politics of South Asia. His most recent book, Mobilizing Restraint: Democracy and Industrial Protest in Post-Reform South Asia (Cornell University Press, 2011) explores the dynamics of state-labour relations following the implementation of economic reforms in South Asia.
Please RSVP to

पाकिस्तान द्वारा नेपाल में भूकम्प पीड़ितों को भेजी राहत सामग्री में गौमांस का विहिप ने किया कड़ा विरोध
नई  दिल्ली अप्रेल 30, 2015. पाकिस्तान द्वारा नेपाल में भूकम्प पीड़ितों को भेजी राहत सामग्री में गौमांस मिले होने पर विश्व हिन्दू परिषद ने कड़ा विरोधजताया है. विहिप दिल्ली के महा मंत्री श्री रामकृष्ण श्रीवास्तव ने सहायता के नाम पर पाकिस्तान की ओछी मानसिकता को धिक्कारते हुए कहा है कि भगवान न करे, ऐसी आपदा अगर पाकिस्तान में आई होती, लोग हफ़्तों से भूखे प्यासे हों और उनको खाने के लिए सूअर (pig) का मास दे दिया जाये तो क्या ये मानवता सम्मत होगा? ऐसी सामग्री क्या राहत सामग्री कहलायेगी?
विहिप दिल्ली के प्रवक्ता श्री विनोद बंसल ने कहा है की जिस तरह की प्राकृतिक आपदा आज नेपाल के सामने खड़ी है, ईश्वर न करे, किसी और देश के सामने खड़ी हो। अनेक देशों ने नेपाल की तरफ सहायता का हाथ बढ़ाया है। लेकिन सहायता के नाम पर अगर कोई अपनी ओछी मानसिकता का प्रयोग करें तो आप इसे क्या कहेगे ? भूखे प्यासे लोगों को हम ऐसी भोज्य सामग्री भेजें जो उनके लिए धार्मिक भावनाओं के अनुरूप न हों। पाक द्वारा भेजी गई सभी खाद्य सामग्री में गोमांस का प्रयोग किया गया है। नेपाल में डॉक्टरों ने इसकी पुष्टि की है।
विहिप के प्रांत महा मंत्री ने यह भी कहा है कि भीषण आपदा में भी पीड़ितों के प्रति ऐसी मानसिकता यह सावित करती है की पाक भूख से तड़फते लोगों को जबरन गो मॉस खिलाना चाहता है। उन्हींने पूछा कि भगवान न करे, ऐसी आपदा अगर पाकिस्तान में आई होती, लोग हफ़्तों से भूखे प्यासे हों और उनको खाने के लिए सूअर (pig) का मास दे दिया जाये तो क्या ये मानवता सम्मत होगा? ऐसी सामग्री क्या राहत सामग्री कह लायेगी। धिक्कार है ऐसी मानसिकता वाले देश पर और उसकी रहत सामग्री पर।
विनोद बंसल
विश्व हिन्दू परिषद  दिल्ली।
संपर्क: 9810949109
— May 1, 2015

HP Improves Productivity and Versatility in Large-Format Printing
Latest HP Latex and HP Scitex printers and presses help businesses reach new customers and new profit pools
NEW DELHI, India, May 1, 2015 – HP today at Print China 2015 announced new HP Latex and Scitex wide format graphics printers, presses and inks to help print service providers (PSPs) specializing in the sign and visual communications industry deliver results faster and at a lower total cost.
–         HP Latex 370 Printer enables more unattended printing at lower operational costs with higher capacity ink cartridges and the HP Latex Mobile App, now available, monitors print jobs remotely for peace of mind while away from the printer.
–         HP Scitex FB550 and FB750 Printers provide PSPs an entrance into rigid with one of the most compact printers equipped with an enhanced loading system, increasing workflow for improved profitability.
–         HP Scitex 11000 Industrial Press provides increased versatility and better surface durability with new overcoat technology.
–         For corrugated converters, HP also announced the HP Scitex 15500 Corrugated Press with media handling for warped boards and economical HP HDR230 Scitex Inks.
“PSPs and converters are challenged to do more applications and keep productivity high, while reducing costs and working with limited space,” said Jeff de Kleijn, director and general manager, Graphics Solutions Business – Sign & Display, HP Asia Pacific and Japan. “Backed by HP Latex and Scitex technologies, the new printers address demanding PSP needs for lowering operational costs, increasing workflow efficiencies and broadening application versatility to drive profitable growth.”

Increasing Capacity for Greater Production with HP Latex

Designed for confident, unattended printing in high production PSP environments, the  64-inch HP Latex 370 Printer with the new 3-liter cartridges helps keep running costs low. It prints from traditional signage substrates like vinyl and banners to temporary textiles, canvas and wallpapers, increasing margins (1) and productivity via the ability to change cartridges while printing and maintaining the high quality at high speed, instant dry and scratch resistance benefits of the 3rd generation of latex inks.
Available now, the HP Latex Mobile App enables users to confidently increase unattended printing by remotely tracking jobs and receiving alerts on the status of the printer on their Smartphone screen. In addition, HP will offer HP Mobile App on tablets(2) this fall, including extra functionality in metrics and localizations so that customers can monitor monthly usage by printer to track jobs while away from the shop.
HP has announced the public release of its new HP Latex software developers kit (SDK), which allows third-party workflow and MIS developers to integrate their tools with HP Latex 370 printers for seamless workflow integration.
For HP Latex 871 and HP Latex 370 printers, 3M™ MCS™ Warranty, widely recognized as the industry’s most comprehensive finished graphics warranty, is now available when using approved 3M films. Combining the quality and flexibility of HP Latex Inks with the 3M™ MCS™ Warranty, which covers fading, cracking and peeling, the new offering helps PSPs secure business with discerning vehicle and fleet graphics customers without paying a premium for specialty inks.

Expand high value applications with HP Scitex
With high uptime and automatic maintenance, the HP Scitex Printers are proven robust, easy-to-use workhorses printing on both rigid and flexible media with a single device. The HP Scitex FB550 and HP Scitex FB750 now offer a new tabletop roll holder design for flexible substrates enabling easy, fast and efficient short-run printing, and new tapered wheels for easy and safe media loading, preventing media edge damage.
HP Scitex FB550 Printer and HP Scitex FB750 Printer offer greater image quality and full bleed on max widths with the same capability of printing on virtually any rigid or flexible media(3) (up to 2.5 inches). The printers increase productivity by 12 percent (4) in indoor signage print modes and deliver orders quickly by loading, printing and collecting media simultaneously. These printers help customers get into specialties with white ink(5), matte/gloss and textured effects, all while being one of the most compact printers on the market.
With the new HP Scitex 11000 Industrial Press, customers can increase versatility and productivity for their high volume indoor signage and display applications. PSPs can now cost effectively produce short runs to meet tight turnarounds. The new HP Scitex Smart Coat Technology provides surface durability without an additional overcoat. This places a thin, invisible layer on top of the image to enhance rigidity and protect against rubs, without compromising on flexibility.
“The print quality of the POP Production mode has allowed me to increase my productivity,” said Steve Wardwell, Manager of Prepress and Digital Print, Stevenson Color Inc. “I have been using the new HDR250 inks with Smart Coat option, which gives my prints good surface durability. The new configuration has reduced my running costs.”
HP Scitex 15500 Corrugated Press now has unique capabilities that help corrugated converters digitally print high value corrugated applications. This press offers automated stack to stack, hands-free operations, and an innovative media handling system that prints on warped boards, and economic inks designed for paper board applications, driving down costs and improving the break-even point. Converters can now produce higher volumes of short runs at low cost and can help improve their margins.
“We’ve seen a significant improvement in media hold down with the Corrugated Grip,” said Guy Frenkel, managing director at Carmel Frenkel. “There’s no need to manually bend the media before stacking, and the machine runs non-stop, so my operators are free for other activities. With the new configuration of the HP Scitex 15500 press, there’s no doubt it’s the right solution for corrugators!”
These new HP Scitex devices save time and money with easy operation, automated processes and reliable results.
Compatible with HP Latex and Scitex printers, the HP Scitex Caldera GrandRIP+ Software solution now includes Caldera Grand RIP v10 software. Two times faster, the updated software unleashes the power of smart algorithmic processing and includes: the full Adobe PDF workflow with the new APPE 3.3 engine with extending tiling; Text&Repeat, a new page step and repeat functionality for increased productivity; and enhanced remote management capabilities within a fully-featured new interface.

New Delhi, May 01, 2015: Shri Subir Purkayastha today took over as Director (Finance) of GAIL (India) Limited. A Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary by professional qualification, Shri Subir Purkayastha has a rich experience of nearly 30 years in the areas of Corporate Finance and Treasury including Forex Risk Management, Capital Budgeting, Corporate Budgets, Corporate Accounts, Finalization of Long Term LNG and Gas Agreements, Liquefaction and Regasification Terminal Service Agreement, Shareholders Agreements and Joint Ventures Agreement etc.
Prior to his appointment as Director (Finance), he held the position of Executive Director (Finance & Accounts) in GAIL. Additionally, Shri Subir Purkayastha also holds the position of Director in GAIL Gas (USA) Inc., Ratnagiri Gas and Power Pvt. Ltd (RGPPL) and TAPI Pipeline Company Limited. He joined GAIL in 1985 as a Finance Officer and rose to the position of Executive Director. Having joined in the early stages of the company, he was part and parcel of the growth trajectory of the Company.
As Executive Director (Finance), besides heading Corporate Finance and Treasury section in large mobilisation of funds from domestic and international markets and taking investment decisions in large infrastructure projects, he was also actively involved in Investor relations and interactions with Analysts fraternity. Besides serving a long tenure at the GAIL corporate office, he was on secondment to Petronet LNG Ltd., during its formative years from 1998 to 2002. During his stint at Petronet LNG, he was actively engaged in the selection of LNG supplier and finalisation of first ever LNG supply agreement in the country viz with Ras Gas, Qatar, Time Charter Agreement with Japanese Shipping consortium and EPC contract for construction of Dahej re-gasification terminal. Thereafter, he was posted at GAIL’s largest manufacturing unit viz petrochemical plant at Pata, U.P. for 4 years. It was during his stint in Petrochemicals Unit at GAIL, Pata he introduced e-budget for preparation and control of capital and revenue budget of the Unit.
Shri Subir Purkayastha is an avid reader and in his spare time often reads on topics related to finance, management and leadership. He is also fond of old Hindi melodies.
Microsoft introduces Lumia 430 in India: The most affordable Lumia smartphone — April 30, 2015

Microsoft introduces Lumia 430 in India: The most affordable Lumia smartphone

 Introduces ‘Knockout on Wheels’, an innovative, offline medium to showcase the uncompromised Windows OS experience offered on the Lumia 430 –

New Delhi, April 30, 2015 — Microsoft today launched the Lumia 430 Dual SIM, the most affordable Lumia yet, in India. Delivering an uncompromised smartphone experience, the Lumia 430 Dual SIM will be available in stores from April 30, 2015 at a best buy price of INR 5,299/-. The Lumia 430 Dual SIM is the most affordably priced Lumia that will upgrade to Windows 10. The device will be available in bright orange and black.
To demonstrate the uncompromised and unparalleled smartphone experience on the Lumia 430 to consumers, Microsoft Devices has conceptualized ‘Knockout on Wheels’ – an experiential initiative that will challenge consumers for a face-off between their existing smartphone and the newly launched Lumia 430, to showcase the superior experience offered on the device. Consumers will be asked to perform the most common operations on the Lumia 430 as well as their existing phones, to showcase the superiority (Hardware and Software) of the Windows Operating System and the Lumia 430. Being flagged off from Delhi, the Lumia Knockout van will travel to over 200 cities across the country taking the Windows Phone experience to tier 2, tier 3 and tier 4 towns for the first time.
“The Lumia 430 Dual SIM continues our commitment to combine the right hardware, software, services and apps with the right price to give consumers a smartphone they can afford and be proud to use. With the introduction of Lumia 430 Dual SIM, we have unlocked the promise of smartphone ownership for many more consumers.  We will take the Lumia 430 to consumers via Knockout on Wheels to build familiarity with the Windows Phone ecosystem and demonstrate the consistent and uncompromised experience that the Windows Operating System offers across price points,“said Ravi Kunwar, Director-North, Nokia India, a subsidiary of Microsoft Mobiles Oy.
With the latest Windows Phone 8.1 update and Lumia Denim, the new Lumia 430 provides faster and smoother user experience allowing more people to enjoy the best of Microsoft services similar to those offered in high-end Lumia smartphones. It includes:
  • The latest version of Windows Phone 8.1 including one swipe notifications from Action Center, and the fast Word Flow keyboard
  • A Qualcomm Snapdragon™ processor featuring a dual-core CPU running at 1.2GHz bringing all the latest apps, games and videos to life on a 4-inch WVGA display
  • Seamless integration with Microsoft services such as Skype and Microsoft Office, and OneDrive available right out of the box
  • Popular social apps such as Instagram, WhatsApp, Viber and WeChat, plus key gaming apps such as Asphalt 8, available on the Windows Phone Store
  • Smart Dual SIM that allows people to assign unique profiles to their SIM cards, such as “work” or “family,” to help them better manage daily communication
  • More content and apps with 8GB of on-board memory, expandable with SD cards up to 128GB, and an additional 30GB of free cloud storage on Microsoft OneDrive that lets people sync, store, access and share files between Lumia 430 and computers, laptops and tablets

The India offer for Lumia 430
The Lumia 430 is being introduced to Indian consumers with some exciting offers. On every purchase of the new Lumia 430, Vodafone will offer consumers 500 MB of free data per month for a period of 2 months. Users in 3G circles will be able to enjoy 3G data while users in ICR circles will get 2G data free.
Adding another exciting offer for consumers on the Lumia 430Mobikwik, the online wallet will offer a recharge cashback worth INR 1000 for recharges and payments made via the Mobikwik appredeemable with a minimum recharge of INR 200 per month for five months. RedBus, the popular and smart online ticketing service, will offer discounts worth INR 1500 on bus tickets over 6 single trips booked through the mobile app.

Tech specs summary:

Lumia 430
Operating systemWindows Phone 8.1 with Lumia Denim
Display4” WVGA 480 x 800 screen
Battery1500 mAh battery
Processor1 GB RAM, Dual Core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor
Main camera2 MP
Memory8GB + up to 30 GB free OneDrive, micro SD up to 128GB

About Microsoft
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (NASDAQ “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services, devices and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.
About Microsoft Devices
The Microsoft Devices Group includes award-winning hardware used by over a billion people around the world, including Lumia smartphones and tablets, Nokia mobile phones, Xbox hardware, Surface, Perceptive Pixel products, and accessories.
Media enquiries: 
Microsoft Devices                                                                        
Ila Chhabra
Megha Behl
Perfect Relations

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