Monday 18 August 2014

Press Conference Snapshots


Imran Khan calls for tax and bill boycott

Supporters of Imran Khan, cricketer-turned-opposition politician and chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) political party, chant slogans while listening to their leader during the Freedom March in Islamabad August 17, 2014. (Reuters/Faisal Mahmood)
Imran Khan, has called for Pakistani residents to stop paying their taxes and utility bills in an anti-government protest aimed at bolstering his efforts to force Pakistan’s prime minister to resign.
“After two days … your time is up,” Khan told a thousands-strong rally in the capital, Islamabad, reported Reuters. “We will go for civil disobedience and will not pay taxes or utility bills till the time Nawaz Sharif resigns,” he announced.
Police estimates have said that some 55,000 people have occupied two central streets as part of two concurrent protests in the city. Both Khan, and the second protest leader, cleric Tahir ul-Qadri have said they will stay in their positions until Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif steps down.
Sharif has been given until Monday night, after which time Khan has suggested he may not be able to hold protesters back from marching on the top-level government buildings.
Several protesters have stated that they would be prepared to directly confront the lines of riot police protecting the buildings.

DERC law needs changes to make it accountable to the people

From: mediacellaap <> Sun, 17 Aug ’14 3:50p
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Show full Headers
The Aam Aadmi Party demands that the central law governing the functioning of the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission should be amended to make it accountable to the people, given the DERC’s extreme reluctance to fix the accountability for power cuts in Delhi and to check its arbitrariness in hiking electricity tarrifs.
It has been more than two months that the DERC had itself announced its decision to probe within a week the reasons for long power cuts in the national capital during the scorching heat in the months of May and June, but strangely it is still silent over the issue.
The DERC’s kid gloves approach in dealing with the private power distribution companies (discoms), gives rise to reasonable apprehension that this regulator has failed to act impartially against them.
The AAP is of the firm view that the time has come for reviewing the provisions of the Electricity Regulatory Commission Act, under which the DERC was set-up, given the lack of transparency in its functioning.
There is no doubt that this regulator of the electricity sector should remain fully autonomous, but its decisions should be open to public scrutiny, and the best way of doing it is that the law be amended to make the DERC accountable to elected representatives – the MPs and MLAs.
Its decisions on dealing with discoms and fixing of electricity tariffs should include the views of elected representatives, and it should be made mandatory for the DERC to make public the reasons for accepting or rejecting these views.
The summer months this year, particularly the month of June, had witnessed worst power cuts in recent years, and the DERC and Delhi administration watched like helpless spectators as the situation worsened with each passing day.
Instead of fixing the responsibility immediately, the DERC followed it up in July by announcing a power tarrif hike, and the cushion it sought to provide by withdrawing the surcharge will soon come to an end, since that relief was provided for merely three months.
Such a situation cannot be allowed to continue any further and the central government must take immediate steps to ensure that the law is amended to make the DERC functioning transparent and accountable to the public, which is not getting the service it deserves despite paying higher for it.

Avam satyagraha starts


AVAM massive crowd :)
AVAM begins their dharna at Jantar Mantar New Delhi  17 Aug 2014 

गोपाल की गौ का सं

indraprastha vishwa hindu parishad delhi
To Vinod BansalMe
Aug 17 at 8:09 PM
प्रेस विज्ञप्ति                                         
गोपाल की गौ का संरक्षण और गीता का ज्ञान घर घर पहुंचाना होगा:विहिप
अपने स्वर्ण जयन्ति वर्ष के उद्घाटन पर विहिप ने किया दिल्ली को झांकीमय, कोना कोना गुंजयमान
नई दिल्लीअगस्त 17, 2014। विश्व हिन्दू परिषद के जन्म को आज पचास वर्ष पूरे हो गए। पचास वर्षों की इस स्वर्णिम यात्रा में हिन्दू समाज के हर घटक का सहयोग, समर्थन आशीर्वाद व सक्रिय योगदान विहिप के कार्य विस्तार में अविस्मर्णीय रहा है। विहिप ने भारत माता की सेवा करते हुए धर्म, आध्यात्म, समाज व विज्ञान के क्षेत्रों में कार्य करने वाले हर महा पुरुष का सहयोग व आशीर्वाद प्राप्त किया है। अब गोपाल की गौ के संरक्षण और गीता का ज्ञान घर-घर पहुंचाने का सम्य आगया है। यह बात विहिप के प्रान्त महा मंत्री श्री राम कृष्ण श्री वास्तव ने स्वर्ण जयन्ति वर्ष के प्रारम्भ अवसर पर दिल्ली के विभिन्न स्थानों सेआज निकाली गई शोभा यात्राओं के शुभारम्भ पर कहीं। आज पूर्वी दिल्ली के त्रिलोक पुरी, पश्चिमी दिल्ली के रोहिणी, उत्तरी दिल्ली के किराडी तथा दक्षिणी दिल्ली के कालका जी, तिगडी, बदरपुर व मालवीय नगर इत्यादि अनेक स्थानों से भव्य शोभा यात्राएं निकाली गईं। इन शोभा यात्राओं में विहिप बजरंग दल दुर्गा वाहिनी, मातृ शक्ति सहित अनेक सामाजिक व धार्मिक संगठनों की सहभागिता रही। 
      विस्तृत जानकारी देते हुए विहिप की स्वर्ण जयंति महोत्सव समिति के प्रवक्ता श्री विनोद बंसल ने बताया कि आज रविवार की सुबह से ही प्रभात फ़ेरियों व शोभा यात्राओं से पूरी दिल्ली गुंजायमान थी। भगवान श्री कृष्ण के जन्म दिन पर स्थापित हुए इस सगठन ने आज जो झांकियां निकालीं, अधिकतर गोपाल को ही समर्पित थीं। कहीं गीता का ज्ञान था तो कहीं गौ माता थी, कहीं महा भारत के दृश्य थे तो कहीं विश्व शांति का संदेश, कहीं माताएं सत्संग में लीन थीं तो कही बच्चे संस्कार केन्द्रों संस्कार ग्रहण करने में व्यस्त दिख रहे थे। कुल मिला कर सभी ने गीता के ज्ञान को घर पहुंचा कर गौ माता के संरक्षण व संवर्धन पर बल दिया हुआ था। माताएं-बहिनें सैंकडों की संख्या में सिर पर कलश धारण किए हुए थीं।
      यात्राओं के समापन पर हुए उद्वोधन में वक्ताओं ने कहा कि वर्ष 1964 की कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी को स्थापित विश्व हिन्दू परिषद नामक बीज आज बट बृक्ष का रूप धारण कर चुका है। हिन्दू समाज के विविध मत पंथ संप्रदायों के बीज समन्वय, छूआ-छूत का उन्मूलन, हिन्दू स्वाभिमान के केन्द्रों की रक्षा व संरक्षण, राम सेतु व बाबा अमरनाथ जैसी अनेक धार्मिक यात्राओं को बचाए रखने इत्यादि अनेक कार्यों में विश्व हिन्दू परिषद का समाज के सभी वर्गों ने  अभूतपूर्व सहयोग किया है। आज पूर्वी दिल्ली के त्रिलोक पुरी, पश्चिमी दिल्ली के रोहिणी, उत्तरी दिल्ली के किराडी तथा दक्षिणी दिल्ली के कालका जी, तिगडी, बदरपुर व मालवीय नगर इत्यादि अनेक स्थानों से भव्य शोभा यात्राएं निकाली गईं। इन शोभा यात्राओं में विहिप बजरंग दल दुर्गा वाहिनी, मातृ शक्ति सहित अनेक सामाजिक व धार्मिक संगठनों की सहभागिता रही। शोभा यात्राओं के दृश्य बडे ही मन मोहक थे।
      शोभा यात्राओं में भगवान श्री कृष्ण, भगवान राम, भोले शंकर तथा भारत माता की विविध रूपों की मनमोहक झांकियां सामिल थीं। शोभा यात्राओं का नेतृत्व इन्द्रप्रस्थ विश्व हिन्दू परिषद के विभाग मंत्री श्री शांति स्वरूप, श्री पियूष चंद्र, श्री रवि दत्त व श्री मेवा राम, धर्म प्रसार के श्री मुरलीधर उपाध्याय, बजरंग दल के प्रान्त संयोजक श्री नीरज दोनेरिया, सुरक्षा प्रमुख श्री प्रेम गुप्ता जिला संयोजक श्री विकास गुप्ता व श्री ललित, जिला मंत्री श्री मंत्री श्री केदार नाथ व श्री राम गोपाल गुप्ता, जिला अध्यक्ष श्री महेश शर्मा, श्री सुरेन्द्र सिंह व श्री राम निवास कर रहे थे। इन यात्राओं में बजरंग दल के प्रान्त सह संयोजक श्री नीरज गुप्ता, अनेक क्षेत्रीय विधायक व निगम पार्षदों के अलावा श्री गगन, संजय गौतम, भोपाल सिंह नेगी, रण वीर, वेद राज, राजेश धनकड व श्री प्रभात सहित अनेक गणमान्य लोग सामिल थे। स्थानीय सनातन धर्म मंदिरों, आर्य समाज मंदिरों, गुरूद्वारा प्रबन्ध समितियों,हिन्दू पर्व आयोजन समिति तथा व्यापार संगठनों ने यात्रा मार्ग में जगह-जगह जल-पान व स्वागत की व्यवस्था की।

विनोद बंसल
(प्रवक्ता)स्वर्ण जयंति महोत्सव समिति विश्व हिंदू परिषद
मो : 9810949109

Negative Politics of AAP Arvind Kejriwal

Ravinder Singh and 35 More…
Today at 1:53 AM
Negative Politics of AAP Arvind Kejriwal
August17, 2014 (C) Ravinder Singh
Arvind Kejriwal is the biggest National Disappointment today solely
engaged in Containing Uprising against his leadership and running away
from party workers and regional leaders for almost a month, had jumped
in to full time activism with definite political aim in March2011 and
rode wave of public discontent, at its peak deserted his mentors Anna
Hazare and colleague on the pretext of providing India with
Alternative To Then Prevailing Corrupt and Incompetent governments at
all levels across India.
There were big Expectations, 10 million plus Volunteers Joined AAP at
its peak, and interestingly, unlike during Mahatma Gandhi time, almost
all were Much Better Qualified than average with Computer Skills
Yielding Smart Phones etc.
They were Betrayed and Not Engaged in CONSTRUCTIVE work, Arvind
Kejriwal persisted with NEGATIVE POLITICS – merely Directing CAG to
investigate Rs.20,000 Crores Discoms Loot in last 12 years is not
expected from AAP with backing 10 million volunteers. Policies and
Planning have to be inclusive With Poor Centric.
You can well imagine the Response Had Arvind Kejriwal engaged
Just then Census 2011 work was on and it brought out starling results
which Genuine Activists may please download. AAP didn’t READ THE
When PM raised the Issue of Separate Toilets for Girls in Schools I
was Disturbed – I knew the Pathetic Situation prevailing in India
which possibly Arvind Kejriwal didn’t see in last 46 years of life.
(Born 1968)
Summary of House Hold [HH] Stats
88% Indians HH don’t have Piped Sewer System, 49.8% HH Toilet in Open,
[34.9% Have Septic Tanks within home], 40% of Indian HH don’t have
Pacca home, 73%+ HH don’t use clean Fuel for Cooking, 38.7% don’t have
Kitchen, 91.5% HH don’t have and possibly 80% Indians don’t Use
Computers, 90% HH don’t have internet connection, 56% HH don’t have
Bicycles, 41.6% HH don’t have bath room, 56.5% HH Don’t have Tap
Water, 68% HH don’t have Treated Tap Water, 71% HH have no Two
Wheeler, 95.3% HH don’t Four Wheeler.
How many times AAP and Arvind Kejriwal raised AAM ADMI Concerns who in
centuries of hard work own practically nothing? Bhagwant Mann May
Write a Poem for Lok Sabha.
Ravinder Singh, National General Secretary.
Sabka Bharat Mission 2019
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi -110016
Ph: 9650421857, 9718280435

The News rollout


 No quick fix for Ukraine crisis

Foreign ministers Pavlo Klimkin of Ukraine, Laurent Fabius of France, Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany and Sergei Lavrov of Russia (L-R) walk in a park ahead of their talks in Berlin, August 17, 2014. (Reuters/Thomas Peter)
Talks in Berlin over the Ukrainian crisis has brought no immediate results. However, the foreign ministers of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France said “some progress” had been made on important issues.
The high-level meeting lasted over five hours with the ministers leaving the building late in the evening. The meeting of foreign ministers included Pavlo Klimkin of Ukraine, Russia’s Sergey Lavrov, Germany’s Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Laurent Fabius from France.
The German FM made an immediate statement to the press following the talks, saying that the negotiations will continue next week, emphasizing that the ministers will use any possibility to ease the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and avoid further victims.
The Russian Foreign Ministry reported that “a certain progress was reached” in the negotiations and that the parties would “continue dialogue in the same format with the goal to reach concrete suggestions for consideration by the leaders of Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine.”
Ahead of the meeting, the German FM said that a “road map” is needed “to achieve a long-term cease-fire, as well as the development of the basic principles of effective border control.”
“There are no guarantees that today’s meeting will have the desired success, but I also say with regard to the situation today and in the past few days it would be irresponsible not to use the willingness to talk signaled by all sides,” Steinmeier said, warning that otherwise “we risk the danger of setbacks and renewed escalation.”
He added that all parties to the conflict must be “very careful about sliding ever deeper into a direct confrontation between Ukrainian and Russian armed forces.” This must be avoided “at all cost,” said Steinmeier.
The German foreign minister also stated that he supports the sending of Russian humanitarian aid to the region and hoped that during the talks “the final difficulties could be cleared.”

UN nuclear talks held in Iran

Talks between the International Atomic Energy Agency’s director general, Yukiya Amano, President Hassan Rouhani, and top Iranian officials began in Tehran on Sunday to investigate into any potential military aspect of the country’s nuclear program. “Mr. Amano’s previous visit was too short to allow for a meeting with President Rouhani, so it has been arranged now in order to convey the Islamic Republic’s expectations to the IAEA at the highest levels,” IRNA reported Iran’s ambassador to the IAEA, Reza Najafi, as saying. Iran faces an August 25 deadline to provide information about the program to the IAEA. While Iran has rebuffed the West’s suspicions, Rouhani has agreed with the IAEA to provide details to alleviate any concerns.

5 Indonesians, 8 foreigners rescued 2 days after tourist boat sinks

Eight foreigners and five Indonesians were rescued Monday two days after their tourist boat sank in a storm near Sangeang, a small island in Indonesia’s east, AFP said. Those rescued were found some 100 kilometers off the coast of nearby Sumbawa Island, with some in a lifeboat and others in life jackets. This rescue brings the number of people saved since the vessel sank Saturday to 23, including 18 foreigners. The boat was headed from Lombok Island to Komodo Island. On Sunday, 10 foreigners were rescued, including tourists from New Zealand, Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany and France. Two foreigners remain missing.

NATO military aid to Kiev ‘not possible’ :  Finnish PM

The EU and NATO will not be able to provide military aid to Ukraine, Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb told Yle television. “Of course it’s not possible. Not from NATO because NATO only provides military assistance to its members, and that’s well known. And the EU doesn’t have the capacity to provide this kind of support,” he believes. Stubb was commenting on a request voiced Sunday by Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin, who said Kiev would welcome military aid from NATO and the EU in an interview.

Death toll from Nepal floods rises to 101

The death toll from landslides and flooding in Nepal has risen to 101 after rescuers recovered four more bodies, AFP cited officials as saying on Monday. Torrential rain last week triggered multiple landslides and flooding, devastating entire villages. The government has deployed more than 3,400 workers and four helicopters to rescue stranded people and deliver emergency supplies. Rescuers were still searching for 126 people reported missing.

S. Korea, US start annual military maneuvers as North threats retaliation

South Korea and the US on Monday launched an annual military drill aimed at testing combat readiness for a North Korean invasion, AFP reported, citing Seoul’s Defense Ministry. The ‘Ulchi Freedom Guardian’ exercise will last until August 29. The drill’s beginning came as Pope Francis led a mass for inter-reconciliation in Seoul at the end of the five-day trip to South Korea. Largely played out on computers, the drill still involves tens of thousands of South Korean and US soldiers. North Korea had condemned the maneuvers and threatened “a retaliatory strike.”

Unidentified war planes bomb Libyan capital’s militant positions

Unidentified war planes flew over the Libyan capital, Tripoli, early Monday, followed by sounds of explosions before the situation abruptly returned to peace, according to witnesses. Reuters reports a local TV channel’s story that the aircraft were targeting rebel positions in a highly volatile area fought over for over a month. Although government officials did not return requests for comment, it is known that there are no war planes in rebel possession. It has now been three years since the ouster of Muammar Gaddafi, with chaos and multi-faction violence escalating in the oil-producing North African nation.

Thousands of Pakistanis march against Israel on Palestine Day

Thousands of pro-Palestine protesters led by Islamist party Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) marched on the Shara-e-Faisal district of Karachi, Sunday, media reports.
Protesters taking part in the “Gaza Million March” waved Palestine and Jamaat-e-Islami flags while chanting anti-US and anti-Israel slogans. JI recently announced August 17 as the Day of Solidarity with Palestine, an event given national recognition by Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
JI chief Sirajul Haq addressed the rally saying that the time has come for the Pakistani army to “play a role against Israel.” He further said the party had collected 50 million rupees ($821,000) to donate to the people in Gaza.
A total of 1,975 Palestinians, including 1,417 civilians, have died since Israel launched Operation Protective Edge on July 8. A total of 67 Israelis, including 64 soldiers, have died. Some 365,000 Palestinians are being hosted at UNRWA schools while 218,367 are still seeking shelter.

मुख्य समाचार :- The official AIR News


* केन्द्र ने बिहार और उत्तर प्रदेश के बाढ़ग्रस्त इलाकों में बचाव और राहत कार्यों के लिए राष्ट्रीय आपदा कार्रवाई बल के 16 दल तैनात किये। असम और हिमाचल प्रदेश में बाढ़ की स्थिति अब भी गंभीर।
* पाकिस्तानी सेना ने जम्मू जिले में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सीमा पर फिर संघर्ष विराम का उल्लंघन किया। कल रात से आज सुबह तक अकारण गोलीबारी।
* प्रवर्तन निदेशालय ने शारदा चिटफंड घोटाला मामले में बंगाली फिल्म अभिनेत्री अपर्णा सेन से कोलकाता में पूछताछ की।
* पाकिस्तान सरकार राजनीतिक तनाव कम करने के लिए इमरान खान की पार्टी तहरीके इंसाफ और ताहिर उल कादरी की पाकिस्तान अवामी तहरीक के साथ बातचीत करेगी।
* भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम की लगातार पारी की दूसरी हार पर सुनील गावस्कर ने आलोचना करते हुए कड़े फैसले लेने को कहा।

National Guard troops called in Ferguson

National Guard troops called in to help police restore order in  
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Missouri Governor Jay Nixon  orders for the National Guard to restore peace to the St Louis suburb of Ferguson, hours after police fired tear gas to disperse people protesting against the police shooting  of shooting of black teenager Michael Brown.
The hours before a second night of curfew that came into effect at midnight, police entered into the protest area in armoured vehicles and shot smoke canisters at a crowd of  three to four hundred  people, including  onlooker media  reporters. The protest then appeared to be peaceful.
St Louis city police reports that a Molotov cocktail had been thrown towards the police line. However, Al Jazeera’s correspondent in Ferguson said that the incident had not been confirmed by eyewitnesses.
“Tonight, a day of hope, prayers and peaceful protests was marred by the violent criminal acts of an organised and growing number of individuals,” Nixon said in a statement on his website. As a result, Nixon said, he was directing the National Guard to help “in restoring peace and order to this community.” Media reports

Julian Assange will not be leaving

Julian Assange’s lawyer Kristinn Hrafnsson has denied widespread rumors that the Wikileaks creator is planning to leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he has been holed up for the past two years, despite a serious heart condition.
The initial information was circulated by Sky News, which suggested the fugitive leaker was to spell out his next move following a public exit, while being in dire need of hospital treatment for a number of medical reasons.
Hrafnsson has told RT that it’s no secret Assange would love a chance to see the outside world again, but strongly denied Sky’s reports, saying that despite his wishes, the leaker has not made plans for an official announcement of a departure from the embassy in the immediate future.
View from steps of Ecuadorean embassy. Julian  will not be leaving today
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Apartheid India 2014 – Big Rural Urban Divide

Ravinder Singh and 35 More…
Today at 9:46 AM
Apartheid India 2014 – Big Rural Urban Divide
Weird Jairam Ramesh, Sunita Narain & Bindeshwar Dubey Discuss Toilet
August18, 2014 (C) Ravinder Singh
It must have shocked the world, Foreign Missions were listening to PM
expressing pain at no toilet in many Schools and many others don’t
have separate toilets for Girls.
But in this he didn’t tell firstly the kind of toilets are largely
SEPTIC TANKS without bottom floors that pass the waste in to soil that
in Rains and Water Logging spreads stink all around. Going by GOI own
states 53% have no toilet, only 12% have SEWER lines, 35% have SEPTIC
Tank types.
Jairam Ramesh the disaster of UPA was discussing Toilet with Weird
Sunita Narain and Bindeshwar Dubey. SEPTIC Tank is worst form of
Sewage Disposal. Septic Tank in a School Catering to just 80 children
would overflow in rains and stink spread diseases – what about schools
having 1000 children.
Apartheid India 2014 – Big Rural Urban Divide
India since Independence Neglected Rural India and let Moneylenders
and Traders exploit rural poor and farmers introduced New Style of
Just 2% of Rural Households have SEWER system compared to 33% in Urban
India. 31% Rural India has toilets in their homes mostly SEPTIC TANKS,
Urban India has 82% homes with Toilet 49% HH have Septic Tanks.
55% Rural Households have no Bathroom but Urban India have 13% no bathroom.
5.5% Rural Household have Close Waste Water disposal, Urban India 44.5%.
55% HH in Rural have electricity, 92% Urban homes have electricity,.
1% if Rural HH have TV/Computer/Laptop – Urban India 12.2%.
51% Rural homes are permanent structures, Urban India 84%.
63% of Rural Homes have Mud Floor, Urban 12%.
18% Rural Household get Tap Water, 62% in Urban India.
11.4% Rural Households have LPG connection, 65% in India.
87% Rural Homes use Wood, Crop Residue & Dung Cake for Cooking, 2% in UI.
2% Cars, 14% Motorcycles in Rural HH, 10% and 35% in Urban India
Ravinder Singh, National General Secretary.
Sabka Bharat Mission 2019
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi -110016
Ph: 9650421857, 9718280435


Globe with Earthquake Location

Preliminary Earthquake Report
  • 18 Aug 2014 05:25:50 UTC
  • 18 Aug 2014 09:55:51 near epicenter
  • 18 Aug 2014 09:25:50 standard time in your timezone
Location32.653N 47.753E
Depth10 km
  • 45 km (27 mi) E of Dehloran, Iran
  • 48 km (29 mi) SE of Abdanan, Iran
  • 67 km (41 mi) WNW of Dezful, Iran
  • 68 km (42 mi) NW of Shush, Iran
  • 322 km (199 mi) ESE of Baghdad, Iraq

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